Saturday, December 22, 2018

Gluten-Free KETO Waffles

At my last check up my blood pressure was high, even though I'm not more than a few pounds above my normal summer weight. The Doctor asked if I'd changed my diet and I said I'd been eating a lot more carbs and vegetarian meals (heavy on the bread).  I'd also been eating quite a bit of sugar, as once I had something sweet I'd continue to crave sweet things the rest of the day.

She said to cut back on the bread and eat a lot more non-starchy vegetables along with eggs and lean meat and fish (or low carb veggie protein such as tempeh, tofu, or seitan) and low sugar fruit and she'd retest in two weeks.  If it didn't go down, I'd have to go on blood pressure medication, NOT something I wished to do.

Essentially her recommendation is the KETO diet (minus the dairy which I'm sensitive to) though she didn't call it as such. I did that, as well as added some essential oils to my daily beauty ritual that reduce stress (that will be a separate post) and my blood pressure did stabilize, but I wanted to keep up the diet plan to see if I could stay off the sugar bandwagon.

It's really worked, I just don't crave sugar like I used to and have been able to avoid the cookies and sweets that come with the holiday season.

But I was really missing my Saturday waffles so I did a KETO version and my husband gave them a thumbs up.  I had a similar gluten-free recipe I posted earlier this Winter, but this version uses less eggs and is dairy free.

Gluten Free KETO waffles

In a medium bowl mix:
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder (I used Hain sodium free)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
5 individual serving size packets of Spenda

In another bowl:

With a hand mixer mix 3 large room temperature eggs until fluffy (about one minute)

Fold in carefully to retain the fluffiness:
1/3 cup dairy-free "milk"
1 and 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
2 Tablespoons melted coconut oil  (mix it in in a very thin stream)

Mix wet and dry ingredients and bake in a waffle iron that's been sprayed with non-stick spray.

Serve with sugar-free syrup or sugar-free jam

Makes 4 Swedish waffles


  1. I should get the Man to share some of his Keto recipes with you.

    1. That would be great. I'm feeling much better after ditching the sugar. I buy Salmon in Alaska and have it shipped down here (pricey but so much better than Midwest grocery store salmon) and do that a couple of times of week. I still cook pasta for my husband, I just don't eat any.


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