Thursday, October 22, 2020

Brigid Update - Watch Out for the Flamingoes!

Sorry I've been offline for a while.  I developed a serious staph infection in my left foot (scratch that went rogue).  I'm on the mend but it's been a tough 8 months with two hospital stays and a couple months on antibiotics which ruined my gut to the point I'm still puking 2 times a day or having dry heaves.  Hang in there everyone.  (and please buy a copy of  my latest anthology
) so I have Chardonnay and chocolate through the winter.

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Thanks for visiting. Having been fortunate enough not to have to diet as a young woman - hitting middle age to find my Metabolism moved to Aruba and didn't even send a postcard was a rude awakening. Thanks for sharing the fun and the pain of getting back in shape. Note: If you are a stranger and include a link in your comment - it will not be posted, to ensure no SPAM or viruses are shared. Any link I post is tested first.