Saturday, March 31, 2018

Portabello Mushrooms and Onion

Although I have added extra lean protein (wild fish, and organic lean meat) to replace simple carbs such as white flour and sugar, I'm keeping my diet high in complex carbs like fruits and veggies.

But just steaming some veggies, or worse, getting lazy and opening a can of green beans, gets old.

They're not "low fat" but sauteeing fresh garden veggies in a little seasoned olive oil makes a delicious side dish.   If you don't like garlic, using olive oil seasoned with a teaspoon of aged balsamic vinegar is also good.

I usually serve this with a piece of protein I've marinated in lemon or lime juice or balsamic vinegar then slow cooked.  Why?  All foods -- but especially ones derived from animals -- contain varying levels of compounds called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These compounds are known to cause inflammation and may open the door to faster aging. Cooking -- especially high-heat methods -- increases the formation of AGEs. But now new research suggests that marinating foods in an acidic, low-pH liquid -- like lemon juice or vinegar -- may help slow that formation down significantly. AGEs in beef were cut in half after marinating for an hour -- but shorter amounts of time may help, too.  Marinating your food is one way to minimize AGEs. Another option: Cook over low, moist heat. Boiling, poaching, steaming, and stewing are all great choices.

Sauteed Portabello Mushrooms and Onion (can substitute shallot)

3 tablespoons olive oil, divided

1 1/2 tablespoons garlic flavored olive oil

1/4 red onion, cut into chunks

2 portobello mushroom caps, sliced

salt and black pepper to taste

freshly grated Parmesan freshly grated Asiago cheese  (basil garnish optional)

Warm 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 1/2 tablespoons garlic flavored olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in onions and mushrooms; reduce heat to low, and cook until the mushrooms are soft and blackened and the onions are black around the edges. (Add additional olive oil as needed.) Turn the heat off, drizzle with remaining tablespoons olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle generously with Parmesan and Asiago cheeses.

1 comment:

Thanks for visiting. Having been fortunate enough not to have to diet as a young woman - hitting middle age to find my Metabolism moved to Aruba and didn't even send a postcard was a rude awakening. Thanks for sharing the fun and the pain of getting back in shape. Note: If you are a stranger and include a link in your comment - it will not be posted, to ensure no SPAM or viruses are shared. Any link I post is tested first.